Nadine Moxon - Fit Aussie Momma

fitness fitnessblog Mental health Mother

We will like to Introduce to you Nadine Moxon. Nadine is a well experienced Personal Trainer, Bikini Competitor, Entrepreneur and Mother.  
Nadine is an advocate for mental health and the well being of others wherein you can find her morning videos on her personal Facebook page.
We are proud to be apart of her journey and seeing her grow.
  •  What made you get into fitness in general?
I had to do something for me, I was living an extremely toxic life and something had to change. My health was suffering and I wasn’t even 30 years old. I started exercising and loved the feeling of bouncing out of bed every morning and feeling good about myself. Which was huge for me back then. Little did I know that this would become my passion and purpose to help others through health and wellness.
  • Is Mental a main part in getting into physical shape?

It sure is, its key. If your head isn't in the right place mentally you will not get to your goals, its as simple as that. This is an integral part of anyone's success and one that I work on extensively with my clients.


  •  What can clients expect from Fit Aussie Momma?

Clients can expect a realistic and balanced approach to their goals. I have been in the industry for over 2 decades and have seen it all!! My clients will receive a detailed workout, nutritional and supplementation program customized to their individual goals as well as be part of my amazing online community with 24/7 support. I want to see all my clients succeed.


  • What is your favorite exercise?
Oh, that's a hard one to answer, I have a few. My favorite body parts are back,legs and shoulders. I love to feel the burn and see the results of my training. I think leg press and deep hack squats would be the winners!! 
  • What are your fitness goals?

I am turning 47 this year, I am planning to compete in a bodybuilding/fitness competition in the figure category. It has been over 5 years since I was on stage and I always knew I hadn't tapped out my full potential. I now have the right coaches, team and support network around me to be able to do this, to the best of my ability, I am so excited!!! I also want to stay in the best shape of my life for years to come, and be able to keep up with my kiddos!!!


  • How important is it to you to have your kids involved in some sort of fitness?
It's extremely important to me to have my kids involved in some sort of fitness. I think its imperative they know how to maintain a healthy lifestyle from a young age and know how to fuel their body accordingly. It also teaches them some invaluable life skills like discipline, confidence, sportsmanship, teamwork,social and motor skills. I want to give them the best possible start in life when it comes to their health and wellness. It is a goal of mine to have them involved in my business on some level if they choose to be.
  • Do you have any big plans for the near future?

I sure do, I am embarking on a journey to expand my brand which includes a fantastic new website, my own supplement brand, equipment, clothing with I AM FITNESS and a few more surprises to come!! This will allow me to be able to help more people live their best lives.


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