It’s that time of year! New start, new beginnings new goals! New fitness line
I am Fitness apparel LOVES and supports moms and dads because they know how much you love and support your kiddos!
Now is the best time to start teaching your children the power of words. As an early childhood educator we have a daily practice of reciting our mini mover mantra.
I’m brave
I’m strong
I’m kind
I’m creative
I’m respectful
I’m me
I’m a mini mover!
I can’t tell you how much it warms my heart to hear parents tell me sorties of telling their child they are beautiful and the child responds “but I’m also brave, and kind” Or the child is working on something difficult and you hear them say to themselves “I’m strong!”
We even have mini movers who have moved on to kindergarten telling us they still start the day with their mini mover mantra
These words have become part of their inner dialogue and core beliefs about themselves.
How do you want to feel? What do you want to choose to believe about yourself? Feel free to adapt our mantra or create your own!
Grab your kiddo some new fitness gear and tag us sharing your motivating message
- Written by Dallas Wing
Love this so so much! One of the most powerful things we can do for the next generation is give them a self dialogue that lifts them up!!
Love the idea of a personal mantra!
I am love
I am life
I am light
I am Lylas Leona 💜