I'd like to introduce you to Chris Suvanto! Chris was a joy to talk to right away when I had a chance to meet him for the first time at the WNBFCALGARY PRO/AM Show. His energy and smile is awesome to be around, I could tell that he enjoyed being in the competition, his first also, and that he was comfortable with his physique. I hope Chris' story resonates with you, he shares an important message.
Enjoy his story!
The deciding factor....
There were two factors that led to my decision to make the lifestyle changes that were needed and led me to embark on my fitness journey.
The first factor was a text message that I received from my wife Christy. In the text she had asked me if I saw the before and after photos of a very close friend of mine. Undenounced to me, my good friend Maclean Kumpula had embarked on his own fitness journey/transformation eight months prior. The progress that he achieved in those eight months was staggering. Maclean was very good with computers; I thought he had placed his head on someone else's body, true story! Maclean explained to me that he hired his cousin as his strength and nutrition coach.
The second factor was my overall health and the direction that it was headed. On my dad's side of our family heart disease is hereditary. My dad suffered five heartaches before his untimely passing. Most of the men in our family were big guys. I made the choice to change my lifestyle and to invest in my personal health both presently and for the future.
In March of 2017, I contacted Mike Edgar owner of the online coaching service Original Physiques. He has been my coach ever since. I have worked with Mike every day since March 11, 2017. Day one of my transformation I weighed 237 pounds.
In the first six months, I was able to transform my very soft 237-pound body to a 195-pound hard physique with a six pack and muscular definition. I currently hold a streak of daily food logging of 2,805 days (as of November 14, 2024). I do not miss a workout, a meal, or a day logging my macros. I am the definition of consistency, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Over the last seven-plus years, I've been through several bulking and cutting phases, slowly and meticulously building my physique. I recently competed in my first body-building competition in the Men's Masters Physique class with the WNBF and the New You transformation category. I finished in the top three Men's Physique class, taking home the bronze medal. I'm looking forward to the off season as I strive to be bigger, stronger, and leaner for my next show.
If I can offer advice to someone looking to make a lifestyle and body transformation. Commit yourself to staying consistent. Get into the gym every day you’ve committed to, even when you’re tired and sore. Make your nutrition a priority, track your macros, and meal prep. Calories in and calories out, if you're operating at a caloric deficit you're going to lose weight. When you plateau push harder, increase your activity.
This is a long-term investment in your present and future health, so be patient. Pay your dues, the daily and weekly progress compounds and the returns are immense! As I stated earlier, it's an "investment" in your health!
The last piece of advice that I can offer is to always show your appreciation to your family, friends, and your support system. You will be irritable, grouchy, tired, hangry, etc. at times, you will drive them crazy but they’re always there to support you in your journey. Show them your appreciation!
It was an honor to stand on stage with all of the competitors in the New You Transformation Class and I hope that sharing my fitness journey will inspire others to embark on their own!