Kara Michelle - New YOU Transformation Athlete

Athlete Bikini Competitor fitness Transformation competitor WNBF

I would like to introduce you to Kara Michelle, Kara has just recently competed in the 2022 WNBF New YOU Transformation competition. It was not easy at first, but Kara has turned her life around in a healthy way and embraced the fitness lifestyle. 
  • What was your one moment that made you decide to get your life back and transform your body?

        The year that I turned 40 and weighed in at 181lbs. I knew at that moment I needed to become serious about my health. Not long after I came to this realization, I lost my mother to cancer at age 53 and 4 months later I lost my brother at age 42 in a motor vehicle accident.

How was the mental aspect of going through the fitness journey and were there times that you just wanted to stop and walk away?

        I struggled with this aspect many times until I discovered life coaching at 44. Prior to this I would self-destruct due to my thoughts and it would always set me back. I did walk away several times thinking to myself there is no use in continuing, nothing is changing.

  • How much time did you put into the gym, did you enjoy it?

       I spend on average 2 hours a day in the gym. Half of that time in the gym is spent inspiring others through group fitness instruction and the other half is spent loving myself hard throughout my own workout I have planned for the day.

  • What did your workout routine consist of?

       As I transitioned from endurance to bodybuilding; I spent the majority of my time in the gym lifting weights and doing minimal cardio. I work out on average 5X a week an hour a day.

  • How important was having your family in going through this process?

       Family is extremely important; they are the support system that gets me through the hard times.

  • How was the experience for you, walking on stage and being backstage prepping? 

       Absolutely amazing; I love the community that this sport brings together and the energy.

  • You are an inspiration to others who are thinking of transforming their bodies... what is your message to them?

       For all of you out there with a dream; it's never to late to chase it. Start with one step; being happy with where you are and working towards what you want.

      Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself.

  • Lastly, what was your best moment during your fitness journey? 

       Walking on stage as a Masters Bikini athlete; I have had this dream since I was young and I am living it!


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