Katie Allen - New YOU Transformation Athlete

Katie has competed in martial arts before in front of a crowd, but stepping on stage for her first bodybuilding competition was unlike anything else.  We asked her a few questions about her fitness journey and competiting in the  New You Transformation category. 
  •  How did you feel after competing in the New YOU category?

Honestly, it felt like I could do anything once I stepped offstage.  It was unlike anything I had ever done before, and I’ve competed in a world’s tournament for martial arts!

  •  What was the feeling like being backstage? How were your emotions?

Backstage was amazing!  Just about everyone was talking to just about everyone, hyping each other up for whatever category/categories we were there for.  I am so honored to have been able to meet and compete with such amazing humans!


  • Going through your body transformation, were their doubts in your mind if you can go through with it?

In the beginning I had my doubts, but the moment I started to see progress the whole game changed.  It was one of those “ah ha!” moments that everyone talks about where all of a sudden I just knew that if I kept pushing I would hit every goal I had set out.


  • How has your family played a roll in you staying focused on your fitness goal?

My family was so supportive throughout the whole journey.  My husband was deployed to the Middle East through the bulk of it but even from the other side of the planet he had my back and offered words of encouragement when I hit a low moment, and celebrated every victory with me, no matter how big or small it may have been.  My kids were amazing from the start and so understanding when I had to go to the gym after work, eat different foods than what they were eating, and the like.  They really helped keep me grounded and focused.


  •  Did you naturally have a bond with your fitness trainer to get you through the training? How many days a week were you training?

I actually started out going to group bootcamp classes 3 days a week back in October and met so many amazing people through the classes.  In February, I started working with my coach who upped me to 5 days a week in the gym and daily cardio that gradually increased.  She was fabulous for getting me motivated to show up for myself


  • What did your diet consist of, were cheat meals allowed?

At first I had all kinds of cheat meals but once February hit I basically lived off of chicken, tuna, veggies and rice/rice cakes.  It was a bit boring, I’ll admit, but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat! 


  • Finally, what would you suggest to someone who is looking to transform their body? 

My biggest suggestion to anyone that wants to transform their body is to work on baby steps and celebrate the little wins.  Seriously 1% daily improvements add up to huge changes over time and those mini victories?  They add up too.  Big time.


For a more in-depth experience of these athletes, we invite you to our Youtube channel - Body Trans4ormation.

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